New species of dinosaur discovered

Every little boys dream has come true... a new species of dinosaur has been discovered! 

Given the nickname Zac, the fossils of this new species were discovered on a sheep farm in Queensland.  This is just 5 years after the largest dinosaur in the country, Cooper,  was discovered in the very same place.

Read the article here for a full run down on the details, but you should know that Australia is in the middle of what experts are calling, a 'dinosaur rush'.  Thats exciting for an animal lover and nerd-at-heart, who illegally keeps a kitten in her apartment, and watches Planet Earth before bed.

Jurassic Park, we all know is a family favourite and classic, but imagine witnessing the unearthing of a never-before seen species of dinosaur.  I will assume it, like everything else, loses its appeal over time, and for the sheep farmer is now old news, but I would love to spend a day in the shoes of a paleontologist.  Of course only on the day that the discovery is made, because other than that they are just sifting through dirt.  Might as well be a construction worker.

 Matilda, Clancy and Banjo were found earlier this year nearby:


Anyone have any personal dinosaur stories they would like to share with me, I'm all ears!

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